Wednesday, August 23, 2017

These New Energies!

At the end of 2012, the quantum field changed. The matrix began to collapse. Nothing changed in our physical world at the end of 2012, but everything changed in the quantum field. The existing matrixes that create our physical reality became a house of cards. While the old energies were on a course to implode, the new energies of compassion were also being anchored. In May of 2016, the new lightworker matrix was beginning to become stable enough that we could begin really creating new systems on earth.

None of this is linear. We are now witnessing the energetic collapse of 2012 hit the physical. Things shift in the quantum field before they shift in the physical. What looks like a horrific picture on planet earth is in fact the beginning of peace on earth. There has never been this kind of global unification for racial integration and the ending of violence on our planet. These new energies are quantum and the way we create with them is different. We are also seeing the awareness of how much we love Mother Earth go quantum.

Individually, we are each adapting to these new energies. We are finding our sea legs, so to speak. These new energies are different.

First is that we are more intuitive and manifestations happen faster than ever. Manifestations occur from synchronicity and synergy. Some of us are having a hard time keeping up with the speed of the new energy.

Second is that we are more sensitive. The old energies, that are now fighting harder than ever to survive, are more agitating to us. We have way less tolerance for anger, hatred and oppression. We are easily highly irritated by negative people and negative news.

Third is that we are confused. Yesterday I spoke with a ptsd wife. She was extremely hurt by recent actions of her husband. In the past she took the hurt, isolated herself and meditated through her pain. She said my hurt is my problem. That is old energy. I asked her what would happen if she actually expressed her hurt? No one had ever given her permission to just express her pain. She said that in expressing her hurt, she felt a vulnerability she had never felt before.

We are being called to be our authentic selves, express our vulnerability and continue with compassion. Compassion does not isolate or retaliate. Compassion just says, I am human and I am hurting. When we express in this vulnerable state, we offer a pathway for others to come into the energy of compassion. This is new. It is scary.  It is also liberating.

My love and blessings to all of you. Mary