Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Chaos of little Ego Deaths

I am calling them little ego deaths, because we make way too big of a deal over the chaos and confusion that happens.  We live in a world of energy and this energy is structured based on our beliefs and all the groups that we are connected with.  As we expand emotionally, spiritually and mentally - which we are always doing - sometimes the old energetic structures are just gone.  In the physical world, sometimes this looks evident.  We have outgrown a job.  Our marriage changes.  We aren't sure who we are anymore in relationship to our old world. 

I viewed this yesterday as I was driving.  It is an in between stage.  The most dramatic example of this is the shift that someone goes through during the actual physical death process.  They slowly withdraw their consciousness from this world and begin to re-emerge back into the non-physical.  Once the world of the non-physical is accessed, a dying person will often have a presence of light around them that can be felt and they will begin to visit with those who are in the non-physical.  Usually they will begin to see relatives that departed previously.  Often those around a dying person can see and experience this non-physical world if they are open to it.  Raymond Moody calls these shared death experiences.  I have been fortunate to have many of these and have been able to experience along with they dying person everything that they are experiencing.  So I don't see a death.  It is more like a great coming home and that non-physical world is more awesome than we can remotely begin to comprehend.  The departed can move into another world that is also physical, have a renewed body and even a house to live in if they want it.  They can also access anyone here on earth and so it is just an expansion.

As our planet is vibrationally accelerating right now, many people are going through what feels like death after death after death.  It really is more like - this new reality - and then this one - and this one - and this one.  From the perspective of physical life on earth, we look for the physical evidence that the new is here and it is often still in the energetic realms.  The mind simply likes to know.  Our linear mind just cannot grasp all of the life that is coming and it cannot "feel" the old anymore.  This is when people say that they feel crazy, confused, angry and don't know what to do next.  There really is never an ending, there is just more life and more life and more life.  So the question is - how do I stay sane - when I feel like I am going crazy?  I have never given anyone an answer to this question that satisfies the human mind.  The answer is to surrender in the openness of the unknown.  Even when we think we know the future that we have envisioned for ourselves, there is usually something more magnificent than what we imagined.  Even when we don't know what we want, how it is going to be created or what we are supposed to "do" right now, there is tremendous connection and guidance coming to us non-stop.  So we really don't have to do anything.  We can just be in the chaos, allow it and let it pass when it is done freaking out.  It's pretty much like watching a toddler have a temper tantrum.  Eventually they get over it. 

Often during these shifts we have little energy for physical tasks.  Our energy is literally going into the energetic integration of a higher vibrational reality.  The mind will often run wild with that and ask things like, "well - what have you done today?"  "What are you going to do?"  "You have to do something - you can't just expect this craziness to go away by itself."  If we are really freaked out, we can always pray.  If we are really unsure, we can ask to be guided - even if don't think we can receive the guidance - we are being guided.  On the other side of these little ego deaths, I hear the same comment from every single person.  "Well if I had known that everything would turn out like this - I would not have freaked out!"  Blessings - it is all good.

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