Friday, May 11, 2012

Training Our Minds to Be Happy

This is a long video and it is fascinating.  I am in constant awe of the number of ways that the same information is being anchored on our planet.  It comes down to the most basic principle and that is how we feel is based on the thoughts that we choose.  In this video, Richard Davidson talks about studies that show how compassion training changes the brain.  They were able to show that the brain can change just by doing a half an hour of compassion training a day for 2 weeks.  That's pretty exciting.  When I looked at these compassion meditations from the view of energetic constructs, I saw that the compassion training bypasses the thought matrixes of the ego.  If you take the leap into quantum physics, where there is some notion that the observer changes reality by their expectations, this opens up the possibility that training our minds literally changes our power in the actual creation of our physical lives.  Blessings  (If compassion meditation sounds too mysterious - being goofy probably does just as much good)

Transform Your Mind, Change Your Brain - Presented by Richard Davidson

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