Thursday, June 7, 2012

How Guided Are We?

Last week in Washington, D.C. I found my guidance had reached a new level.  It was just 2 days before the University of Montana dancers were to perform at the Kennedy Center.  I had been with my son and watched a sort of emotional edge that he had been running with for a couple of weeks.  I wondered when he would slow down enough to integrate some of his emotions.  As my daughter and I were preparing to leave for breakfast, he called and explained he was extremely ill.  He showed up at our hotel with sunken eyes from dehydration.  His physical symptoms were that of Nora virus.  I was unaware that this looked like a particular virus.  I saw a blown out third chakra.  I lead him through several rounds of EFT and left him to sleep.

My daughter and I headed out on a quest for amazing breakfast food.  As we walked, I could feel my son's sickness inside my body which is typical for healers.  We can easily move into someone else's energy in an attempt to help and take on their illness.  We searched out a couple of breakfast places.  My daughter was enjoying her French pastry filled with spinach and I could feel myself getting sick.  My guides came in loud and clear and said, "it will do absolutely no good for you to get sick - stay in your own energy."  As we finished our breakfast, I decided my son needed minerals.  I wanted to find some concentrated liquid minerals for him.  I scanned all of my healing ideas with my thoughts - homeopathic remedies, herbs, etc. etc.  Clearly my guidance was telling me that he needed minerals and not a homeopathic remedy.  My guides said, "go down the street a couple of blocks and on your right is a health food store where you can get minerals.  Don't go back to the hotel before 11:00.  Let him sleep."

I explained to my daughter that we were going to walk down the street to a health food store and get minerals.  I told her that my guides said there was a health food store down the street a couple of blocks on the right.  After two blocks I didn't see any health food store.  My guides told me to take a right.  We walked about another half a block and I heard, "well we can just walk forever or we could actually just stop and ask someone if there is a health food store around here."  I was confused.  I wondered if my guides were sending me on a wild goose chase and I was even wondering why I was doubting them.  Then I heard, "well you can just keep walking to the end of the block and learn to trust your guidance - or you can stop and ask and continually doubt how guided you are."  At the end of the block I looked across the street and saw a GNC store.  Next thought, "well they don't have homeopathic remedies."  Next thought "well he doesn't need a homeopathic remedy."  I walk into the GNC store and picked up a bottle of liquid minerals.

After leaving the store, I told my daughter we weren't going back to the hotel until 11:00 so we might as well do some shopping.  She looked at me and said, "well this is just wild - your guides tell you go down the street to a health food store and pick up minerals and you just do that." She proceeded to tell me that she didn't consider GNC a health food store.  I kind of chuckled and commented,  "well there was a little argument about a half a block back as to whether we should stop and ask someone or I should just trust what I hear." She looked at me in astonishment as she had heard that entire conversation.  I then realized that she was the one who had popped in with the doubt and thought we should just stop and get directions.  I heard the doubt, thought it was mine and questioned my guides. The conversation was actually between her, me and my guides.  Once a thought exists, it can be instantly accessed.  Sometimes it is hard to figure out who thought the thought first.  She even admitted that she heard, "well - GNC doesn't have homeopathic remedies" and admitted that she heard that he didn't need them.  Neither one of us could figure out who originated that thought.

At 11:00 we watched my son slowly come back to life.  He had set an alarm for 11:00 am.  I watched the points on his chakras round out and by the next day he was on top of the world.  Several other dancers ended up sick and they thought that it was Nora virus.  I laughed with my son about how we have to find the physical cause for an illness and so everyone knows why it happened.  No one can explain why 4 people got sick and the rest of us didn't.  Even when we identify a physical cause, we are not very good at explaining why some people get it and some people don't.  So my son went into the performances at the Kennedy Center completely on top of his game, newly refreshed and focused.  Several days later he flew to Europe.  My daughter joked, "well don't try arguing with Mom's guides."

My first experiences with "the voices" began around 1992.  I am able to converse with many departed who have left the physical world.  I have one guide Mo, who appears as a Tibetan Master and was a personal guide for years.  Another guide calls herself "Asaya."  Most recently I have been working with a "group" what identifies themselves as Thaddeus - translation - gift from God.  I see them as a ball of energy connecting with multiple streams of energy and they don't show any human form like my other 2 guides.  Many times the communication from the non-physical doesn't come in word thoughts.  Often it is just a knowing and an experiencing.  We are guided.  We are constantly supported.  We have access to more information than we know.  Even those who don't think they are guided - are guided.  I continually experience proof that what I hear is accurate.  This time was especially fun because it involved my daughter and how we actually pick up on each others thoughts.

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